Berenstain Bears and the Tooth Fairy (8x8)
Sister Bear has a loose tooth, and she can't wait for it to fall out. The Tooth Fairy will come and leave a quarter under her pillow! But then Sister finds out that her friend Lizzy Bruin got a whole dollar for the last tooth she lost. Sister wonders how much the Tooth Fairy will leave her this time.
Full color.
Target age group 4-8
Full color.
Target age group 4-8
CategoryReach Out and Read (Early Years)
Age Group6 to 8 yrs
Grade LevelK-2
Theme 1Social, Personal & Family Topics
Theme 2Animals, Pets & Fish
Detailed (BISAC) Subject/ThemeHealth & Daily Living
AuthorBerenstain, Jan & Mike
SeriesBerenstain Bears
Lexile Level550 AD
AR Level3.1
PublisherHarperCollins Publishers
Publication Date8/28/2012
Dimensions0.28 H x 7.98 L x 8.21 W
Case Qty100